编辑:幻主简历 时间:2024-03-27 来源:幻主简历



Job Intention

Job Type: Full-time

Desired Position: Operating (Note: "Operating" is not a standard job title. You might want to consider more specific titles like "Operations Manager," "Operations Specialist," etc.)

Desired City: Guangzhou, Guangdong

Salary Requirement: Negotiable

Job Status: Available to start immediately

Education Background

Time: 20xx.7-20xx.7

School Name: Huanzhu Resume University 1 (Note: This seems like a placeholder or fictional name. You should replace it with your actual school name.)

Major: Chinese Language and Literature

School Description: (This section is left blank. You might want to add a brief description of your school or its relevance to your job search.)

Work Experience

Time: 20xx.6-20xx.1

Company Name: Huanzhu Resume Company 

Position: Planning Supervisor

It’s knowledge payment industry, whose main product is business
case analysis self media. The company is the first exclusive partner of
China's largest business case library, China Management Case Sharing Center (CMCC), which will be used for MBA teaching.
● I am responsible for the planning, prototype and interaction design of the whole product line of the company's project "case business
school". I follow up the whole process from idea to online andparticipate in product testing and subsequent operation;
● I am in charge of business negotiation. Including communicating
product matters with the channel parties and Communicating with
customers to make cooperation plan and implement it. Furthermore,
i formulate overall and phased promotion plans and take charge of
comprehensive indicators, such as number of users, PV, visit volume,
etc. In addition, i build the whole process data operation system (pull
new, promote activity, retain, realize), and constantly optimize through data improvement;
● I am responsible for user operation. I formulate operation plan, strategy, layout. Then, i organize and supervise operation implementation. I analyze user's portrait and habits, and put forward reasonable suggestions to provide basis for relevant decisions.
● Outcomes: I Led the team to increase the new users from 0 to 100000, covering 150 + offline Universities. The business involves content, events and online sales, with a payment conversion rate of more than 5% and a repeat purchase rate of 30%.

Time: 20xx.2-20xx.7

Company Name: Huanzhu Resume Company 

Position: Senior community director 

The job is responsible for investment promotion and service operation management in Zhongguancun area.
Contract situation:
(1) Strategic cooperation of Beijing Hailong group (2) Strategic cooperation of CapitaLand group (3) Peking University Incubator project cooperation.
● I assisted in project approval, industry analysis, investment cost audit and coordination calculation. I realize the landing of joint office in the main store of the shopping center. In addition, i completed the summary of the industrial part in the business plan and report it in time. Relevant information shall be connected with each department in the project approval documents for modification, and assistance shall be given to complete the summary of project approval documents;
● I was responsible for the daily operation of the project and assisting CFO to formulate the operation standardization process;
● I Organized and planned activities in the community, including salons, lectures, project roadshows, etc. On average, more than 10 large, medium and small-scale activities were organized every month, and the activity system was constantly optimized and improved
● I Prepared the feasibility study report of the project. In order to Implement sales model, i went deep into the trends of various industries, researched, analyzed and explored the specific industry direction;
● Through the introduction of investment promotion, online, offline and activity backflow, the settlement rate of the project was increased by more than 50%.
● Provide services to the enterprises settled in the project, including investment and financing docking, project planning guidance, etc.     

Time: 20xx.6-20xx.1

Company Name: Huanzhu Resume Company 

Position: Planning supervisor    

● I was responsible for the organisition and planning of company's brand activities. In all, i planned and executed more than 20 online and offline activities successively. And successfully planned and held the "maker on cloud" intelligent hardware innovation competition nationwide, and gave strong support to local governments and well-known leading enterprises, which played a important role in the company's brand promotion;
● I connected many partners for incubator, established and developed good cooperation relationship with them. I visited more than 30 domestic intelligent hardware incubator companies, and independently completeed a series of significant works, such as early cooperation and development, framework agreement writing, publicity activities, etc.
● I was in charge of the daily release of social media accounts such as official microblog, wechat public platform, etc. Followers increased by 50% during my operation.
● I wasresponsible for receiving government leaders and partners, including mobilizing the cooperation of all departments, leading the visit to the incubator with detailed explaination and wrote a press release.

Project Experience

Time: 20xx.7-20xx.7

Project Name: Huanzhu Resume Project 1

Role: Activity Execution

Company: (Youke workshop Beijing Venture Capital Co., Ltd.)
Project description:
With the theme of "Innovate, Network and Share", this nationwide event was devoted to promoting global development, technological and cultural innovation, cross industry interconnection and multi-party cooperation. Launched in 2016, with the theme of "the future Co inventing of joint imagination", the conference has invited famous people such as Xu Xiaoping, Liao Jianwen, Ding Zuyu and Li Yapeng.
● Drew up preliminary activity and overall idea;
● Fomulated activity feasibility study report;
● Connected activity company during the whole process, including the control of activity planning, manufacturing of activity materials and the supervision of overall work progress of the activity.

Time: 20xx.7-20xx.7

Project Name: Huanzhu Resume Project 1

Role: Community Supervisor  

Company: (Youke workshop Beijing Venture Capital Co., Ltd.)
Project description:
● Forged the first project of joint office in commercial real estate and realized the landing of joint office in the main store of shopping center. The project was oriented to high-end service industry, providing more comfortable office environment and services for entrepreneurs around Wangjing. It has achieved a rental rate of more than 80% in one month after opening;
● Achieved the symbiosis and win-win between commercial real estate and joint office space.

Time: 20xx.7-20xx.7

Project Name: Huanzhu Resume Project 1

Role: Community Supervisor  

Community Supervisor  

● Project Description: I wrote plan and overall work schedule. Comprehensively integrated online and offline resources and connected with local governments;
● I was in charge of the prophase propaganda, material design and production;
● I drafted communication plan and introduced 300 projects to participate in the competition.