编辑:幻主简历 时间:2024-04-23 来源:幻主简历



Job Intentions

Type of Job Seeking: Full-time

Desired Position: NGS Sale

Desired City: Guangzhou, Guangdong

Salary Requirements: Negotiable

Job Seeking Status: Available Immediately

Education Background

Time: 20xx.9-20xx.9

School Name: Huanzhu Resume University 1

Major Name: Nutrition

School Description:My learning contents in UON were mainly to explore the effect of dietary habit on human health from the perspective of molecular level. During this period I have mastered the fundamentals of nutrition, sports nutrition and the principles of human metabolism. From the second term, I attended the doctoral training project for potential PhD students officially held by the UON and finally I obtained the PhD offer from professor Tim Parr.
My graduation project was to explore the effect of growth hormone and adrenal hormone on the enzyme metabolism of a local pig specie. I graduated at 10.09.2018 after finishing the graduation dissertation and went back to China at 15.09.2018.
In December 2018, I received the certificate of Master of Science in Nutrition certified by UON.

Time: 20xx.9-20xx.9

School Name: Huanzhu Resume University 2

Major Name: Food Science and Engineering  

School Description:
During the beginning of my undergraduate study, I passed the CET-4 and CET-6 once and have mastered basic subjects such as Biochemistry and Physics. I also attended many English contests and obtained some honors. The decision of going to UK for master study was made in the third year so I passed the IELTS 7 and alway be involved in the reception of visiting scholars from cooperative universities in UK.
In the fourth year I mainly focused on the reading of the academic journals relating to nutrition and obtained many terminologies and expertise. I graduated from WPU with the GPA of 3.48(4) and received the offer from both University of Nottingham and University of Leeds at the same time.

Work Experience

Time: 20xx.10-present

Company Name: Huanzhu Resume Company 1

Position: Internal Sale 

Currently my markets are Czech Republic, Slovenia and Slovakia. I have taken over the ongoing projects from former colleague and have been following the progress of these projects. At the same time, with the supervision of my leader, I also have been obtaining and following many leads and potential projects as a result of hundreds of visiting emails each day.

Time: 20xx.10-present

Company Name: Huanzhu Resume Company 2

Position: Technical Support

I was responsible for the technical support of three external sales in France. My main duties were to make the ongoing projects of them in order and solve pre-sale questions. I would guarantee that the quotation we create meets the expectation of our customer in order to sign the contract with our customer successfully.
When there were incidents or delays as a results of various reasons, I would report to my sale and customer on time to negotiate possible solutions. After the settlement of the project, I would create the invoice according to the information specified in the PO to make sure that the payment would be paid smoothly. In addition, I would collect the information of our competitor in NGS market and report it to my leader on time.

Time: 20xx.3-20xx.5

Company Name: Huanzhu Resume Company 3

Position: Sale Engineer 

I was responsible for the expansion of market in four first class hospitals in Beijing. I would try to introduce the service of our company by visiting doctors in outpatient and inpatient and also visit the old customer regularly to keep them updated on the progress of their projects.
When I met pre-sale or after-sale problems that I cannot solve, I would seek help from our PhD consultation team. I would also hold activities such academic forum, salon to help these clinical doctors to solve their research problems. When they were after-sale problems, I would also report that to my team to negotiate the measures of remediation.

Project Experience

Time: 20xx.9-20xx.10

Project Name: Huanzhu Resume xxx Project Case

Project Role:Tender for University of Caen   

I made the bid for four projects called by University of Caen and finally I won the project ofbacteria WGS+Pacbio(40K EUR).
What I did during this process was to collect documents needed for this tender such as detailed description of our service. I got the approval of director price and express turn around time as well so as to improve our competitiveness when we compete with strong competitors such as Macrogen and local core facilities. I also prepared many necessary documents such as Good Financial Practice, Insurance Statement, Bank Statement and so on.


I am hard-work, reliable and trust-worthy as I have good expertise in biochemistry and I can learn new knowledge well in a short time. At the same time I have good office skills such as Word, Excel and PPT. I am already used to the high-intensity work and I persist to be a good sale and hope that NovogeneAIT could give me this opportunity to release my potential and make contribution to the market expansion of NovogeneAIT。

