ChinaDivisionManager cv resume
编辑:幻主简历 时间:2024-03-14 来源:幻主简历

An experienced professional in the field of mechanical engineering and product management, seeking the position of China Division Manager. With a demonstrated history of successful project leadership and technique transfer in manufacturing, this candidate brings a unique blend of technical expertise and management skills to drive results in a dynamic environment.

ChinaDivisionManager cv resume



  • Job Type: Full-time

  • Desired Position: China Division Manager

  • Preferred Location: Guangzhou, Guangdong

  • Salary: Negotiable

  • Availability: Immediate

Work Experience

  • Company: Huanzhu Resume Company 1

    • Time Period: 20xx.2 - Present

    • Position: Product Engineer

    • Responsibilities: Representing Wartsila in technique transfer to product manufacturing, leading and controlling quality management, and ensuring on-time delivery.

    • Achievements: Successfully delivered over 60 projects with Class approval and customer satisfaction. Managed 2 urgent cases worth over 0.2 billion, achieving on-time and qualified delivery.

  • Company: Huanzhu Resume Company 2

    • Time Period: 20xx.7 - 20xx.12

    • Position: Project Leader

    • Responsibilities: Led a new cab design project for wheel loaders in the R&D team, responsible for project planning, schedule, quality, and cost management.

    • Achievements: Validated and mass-produced a new cab with 90% localized components, delivering on schedule and within budget.

  • Company: Huanzhu Resume Company 3

    • Time Period: 20xx.9 - 20xx.6

    • Position: Mechanical Engineer

    • Responsibilities: Responsible for ship design, including mooring, anchoring arrangements, and ventilation diagrams.

    • Achievements: Designed anchoring and mooring systems for over 50 vessels currently sailing.


  • Over 10 years of experience in mechanical engineering and 4.5 years in product management at joint venture plants.

  • Proficient in product management and plant facilities management.

  • Strong leadership skills combined with PMP expertise.

  • Passionate about reading and sports.
