编辑:幻主简历 时间:2024-03-18 来源:幻主简历




Intended position:Game Operation   

Educational background

Time: 20xx.3-20xx.7 

School name: Phantom University 
Major: Mechatronic engineering (undergraduate)
description: Main courses: Buyer behaviour, Marketing research, Marketing data analysis, Marketing communication, Product innovation, Pricing management, Business project.

Time: 20xx.9-20xx.7   

School name: Phantom University 
Major: Event Management   

description: Achievement: Minister of public relation department of the campus TV station, Minister of the communication department of the college,Sports and literature commissioners, GPA3.7/4.0 (the third and fourth year in university)

Work Experience

Time: 20xx.8-20xx.5

Company Name: Huanzhu Resume Company 1

Position: Game Operations (Internship)

Version operation: Responsible for the follow-up and iteration of Baoshan version, collect market feedback and provide to products according to priority and follow-up. After three months, the daily activity users reached a new high of 30,000 plus.

Activity operation:Planning and execution of festivals, hot spots and other activities. It mainly includes the promotional pictures and H5 design, controls the communication, execution and PR process of the whole activity. The total activity UV reached 80,000 plus, which was more than expected.

Event operation: Event planning + site execution + post-post PR promotion in Qujing, Pu'er, Baoshan, Yichang, Huangshi and other areas, successfully building brand barriers in Yunnan and Hubei province.

Data operations:

1. Daily analysis of the independent variables such as growth, retention and consumption in Baoshan area, find out the reasons for the abnormal curve and implement different market strategies according to the situation.

2. Analyze the activity and game data, summarize the inadequacies of the activity and the next optimization points.

3. Check the game data after holding events to verify whether the expected long-term results have been achieved.

Content Operations:

1. Write communication articles while having activities and events, with more than ten reading volumes of 10,000 plus.
2. Write news releases of future games sponsoring the World Sailing Championships and publish them on major platforms.

Time: 20xx.10-20xx.3 

Company Name: Huanzhu Resume Company 1

Position: Market operation (entrepreneurship)  

Market Planning: Responsible for the business invitation and operation planning at the early stage, set goals and offline speechcraft. Looking for online invitation channels, and advertising on the Ozbargain Forum, Imkan TV, AustraliaToday and other platforms. Successfully negotiate and cooperate with Omega Payment.  
Marketing Promotion: Responsible for the promotion of Sydney offline physical stores, the cumulative success of recruiting 200 plus physical stores into the platform.
Project Management: Responsible for following up the project progress of the domestic development team, and organize meetings twice a week to discuss the project situation.

Time: 20xx.10-present 

Company Name: Huanzhu Resume Company 1

Position: Market operation (entrepreneurship)

Marketing (domestic):  
1. Recruiting agents in China and forming an agency system. At present, we successfully had three full of friendsWeChat accounts.
2. Looking for mini-program production team + putting forward design requirements + follow-up + daily maintenance.
Market Promotion (Sydney): Promote offline activities in the Chatswood of Sydney every week. Successfully forced the three purchasing stores around to close down and won the brand advantage of the northern part of Sydney. Business Negotiations: Successfully cooperated with the Tianmao Snack display rack project and attracted Ali's co-founder (responsible for overseas) to visit.
Website Design and Promotion: Based on market demand, a website specializing in selling innovative products (Mi electric scooter, DJI Mavic Pro, OSMO and other products) was designed and promoted on Facebook, Gumtree, Ozbargin. Eventually sold 200 electric scooters in one month.

Project Experience

Time: 20xx.3-20xx.5 

Project Name: Huanzhu Resume Project 1
Project Role: Market planning (leader) 

Project Background: RubyMac is a native chocolate company that intends to develop the international market.
Project Objectives: Choose a market as the first stop for overseas development fromthe United States, the United Kingdom, Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Mainly responsibilities:
1. Organize, analyze, and predict the basic data of the Hong Kong market and the chocolate industry data, propose innovative communication ways applicable to different periods according to the company budget, and design a variety of offline channels pictures to display for companies to choose.
2. Organize weekly meetings, develop project SOPs, brainstorm ideas, follow up on project progress, and discuss future directions.
Achievement:Since the excellent performance of the project, the group was invited to a presentation to the company. The company decided to promote the Hong Kong market, and some offline promotion programs were adopted by the company.

Time: 20xx.3-20xx.5 

Project Name: Huanzhu Resume Project 1
Project Role: Market analysis (leader) 

Project Background: Tesla is the world's top electric vehicle brand, and sales in the Australian market have been plaguing them.
Project Objective: Analyze the current situation of the Australian market, find out the specific reasons for the sluggish sales, and come up with market strategies.
Mainly responsibilities:  
1. Collect market data, analyze the market status through 4P, SWOT, Porter Wuli, PLESCT and other models, and find the three major causes of low sales (consumer awareness + foundation) Facilities + site selection) and come up with the corresponding marketing strategy (the core value of each channel + cooperation with government departments and local enterprises + Chatswood, Mosman and other residential areas that meet the target customers)
2.Organize weekly meetings, develop project SOPs, brainstorm ideas, follow up on project progress, and discuss future directions.

Time: 20xx.7-20xx.9  

Project Name: Huanzhu Resume Project 1
Project Role:Communication planning (leader) 

Project Background:VOW is the only startup in Australia that produces clean meat (cell meat) intending to produce meat that has never been developed and unimagined.
Project Objectives: There is currently a clean meat burger, which is scheduled to be launched in July 2020 and will be sold in Australian supermarket chains. The maximum publicity budget is AU$3,000,000 and the duration of the campaign varies from 6 to 12 months.
Mainly responsibilities:  
1. Marketing plan, collect data to calculate SMART goals, provide SSO forms to compare different programs and choose the best solution (integrated marketing - SEO, SEM, social media, offline billboard advertising, bus display advertising, mail, SMS, etc.)
2. Organize weekly meetings, develop project SOPs, brainstorm ideas, follow up on project progress, and discuss future directions.


1. Rich market operation experience (compared to fresh graduates)
Love the Internet industry. The current project, work and study experience will allow me to integrate more quickly and work more efficiently.
2. Good at analyzing user psychology, extract useful information to promote product optimization.
Accumulatively manage two major public numbers, three full micro signals, covering the crowd 50,000 plus. Be good at using traffic to foster user loyalty and traffic.
3. Data analysis
Extremely sensitive to data, love data analysis and self-learning python language. Achieved excellent results in the data analysis class and has become a teaching assistant.
4. Business negotiation, resource replacement
Successfully recruiting 200 puls home offline stores, and working with Tmall, I have proficient the negotiation speechcrafts and skills.
5. Curiosity is my killer. I am good at finding breakthroughs with solutions that break the rules.
6. Optimism is my attitude towards life. I like to communicate with people and share ideas.
7. Years of basketball, football and league of legend experience, have good communication skills and teamwork skills. Have a team spirit and be able to integrate into the team quickly.
8. Love the MOBA games, a loyal user of the League of Legends and the glory of the King.


Working Skills:
  • Proficient in office software, and obtain MOS international certification.

  • Proficient in CRM, XMIND software.

  • Proficient in SPSS data analysis software.

  • Proficient in Xmind brain map software.

  • Skilled in using AI, Meitu software.

  • Skilled in using Mockplus product interaction software.

  • Python Primary Reptilian Level.

Language skill:
  • CET-6

  • BEC B1

  • ILETS 6.5

  • German A2

  • Mandarin 92/100

Other capabilities:
  • League of Legends reached the diamond level (national service)

  • Piano Level 10

  • The lead singer of the band

  • Captain of Sydney Amateur Basketball League
