编辑:幻主简历 时间:2024-03-17 来源:幻主简历



Intended Position:IOS 

Educational background

Time: 20xx.2-present   
School name::Phantom University 
Major::iOS Person in charge   
Project Description: LeFang Life is a member-based value-added service platform for residential life, carrying various resources such as real estate rental intermediary companies, apartment merchants, real estate operators and members'life, credit life and so on.
Responsibility description: Independently complete the design of core modules and the construction of project framework.
Main technical points:
1. Using MVVM design pattern to build project framework
2. Face Recognition and Identity Card Recognition Using Tencent Excellent Map
3. Data acquisition by buried point and report to server
4. Using routing to solve mutual reference and interdependence among modules
5. Using grpc to request network data
6. Implementing mutual calls between native and JS
7. Encapsulation of global UI, encapsulation of common tool classes
8. Using Runtime to intercept and replace the system (UIFont + Adapt classification to replace the system to make the adaptive font size)

Time: 20xx.1-present   

School name::Phantom University 
Major::iOS Person in charge   
Project Description: The Music Room Housekeeper is a life service application software, which can view real-time housing letters, tenants, leases, maintenance, taxes, tax information and so on. Let Fangfang manage and maintain the property quickly and conveniently.
Responsibility description: Independently complete the design of core modules and the construction of project framework.
Main technical points:
1. Design of project architecture, selection and construction of basic framework
2. Use Baidu Map to Search, Search and Locate Housing Sources
3. Facial Recognition and Identity Card Recognition Authenticate User Information
4. Realize the interaction of various kinds of complex interfaces
5. Realize video recording and uploading.
6. WeChat, Alipay, Baidu UnionPay and other payment functions.
7. Use Runtime's Association object to add attributes to the classification (UIImage adds a category: UIImage + Tools, and sets the association attribute urlString picture network link attributes for it)

Work Experience

Time: 20xx.1-present

Company Name: Huanzhu Resume Company 1

Position: iOS Senior Development Enginee   

Responsible for iOS-based development of renter and housekeeper, architecture design and core module coding, as well as product requirements discussion, technical options selection and development cycle evaluation.

Time: 20xx.6-20xx.1 

Company Name: Huanzhu Resume Company 1

Position: iOS Senior Development Enginee   

Responsible for participating in the evaluation of the product's executable plan and development cycle, independently completing the development of the iPhone client, version iteration.

Time: 20xx.11-20xx.6 

Company Name: Huanzhu Resume Company 3

Position: iOS Senior Development Enginee   

Participate in the requirement analysis and review of APP, responsible for the development of the core module of the project, and propose the project improvement plan for the feedback and suggestions of users


2011.09 - 2015.06                 Jiangsu Institute of Technology
Computer Science and Technology

Significant Books Readed

《Effective Objective-C 2.0》(52 Skills)OC Advanced Programming,High Performance iOS Application Development,iOS Core Animation Advanced Skills,Cisco CCNA,Graphic HTTP,data structure

Skill mastery

1. Master Objective-C and Swift, be familiar with C/C++, understand html, React Native.
2. Master the customization of various UI controls, use Xib, Storyboard, Monsary, SnapKit and AutoLayout screen adaptation technology to layout the interface.
3. Master the implementation principle and application of MVC, MVVM, agent, singleton, observer and other mainstream design patterns.
4. Master HTTP, TCP/IP, TCP/UDP network protocol, JSON, XML data parsing, familiar with Socket communication mechanism.
5. Familiar with multi-threaded programming techniques such as NSOperation and GCD.
6. Use SQLite, CoreData, archive storage to store persistent data.
7. Master Git and SVN source code manager, familiar with common open source libraries and cocoapod.
8. Master AFNetworking, SDWebImage, YYWebImage, YYModel, FMDB third-party library for assistant development.
9. familiar with the use and integration of the third party SDK, such as sharing, pushing, Alipay and WeChat payment, map, SMS verification.
10. Familiar with Runtime, RunLoop mechanism and memory management mechanism under ARC and MRC.
11. Master the online release process of APP.
12. Master the performance optimization schemes of APP, such as CPU and GPU optimization, power consumption optimization, network optimization, positioning optimization.

Self evaluation

1. With github, stack overflow learning problem-solving ability.
2. Ability to independently develop projects.
3. Good communication, coordination and cooperation ability.
4. Be good at learning and summarizing.
5. Agile development to ensure work efficiency and quality.